9/11 National Remembrance Flag
the flag represents:
The background
The blue on each side of the flag represents the color of the state flags for each state where a plane was downed - New York, Pennsylvania & Virginia.
The black in the center of the flag represents the sorrow we feel for the innocent lives lost from this tragedy: those on the planes, those working in the towers, the Pentagon, and the rescue workers whom lost their lives during the rescue.
The stars represent the 4 planes that crashed and the innocent lives lost on those planes and in the buildings.
The blue star represents the Pentagon & American Airlines Flight 77, and for the innocent passengers and the lives lost in the Pentagon.
The 2 white stars represent each of the towers at the World Trade Center, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, the innocent passengers on those flights, the lives lost (both those in the buildings and the rescue workers) and those that survived.
The red star represents United Flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the innocent passengers, and those who sacrificed their lives to protect the loss of other innocent lives.
The color of the stars (red, white & blue) is representation of our United States flag.
All 4 stars are touching, as well as the 2 white stars to touch the blue in the flag - this represents our 'unity' in the United States.
This flag is based on the POW/MIA flag "that we may never forget".
Proceeds from sales will go to the Relief Efforts of the 9/11/01 Tragedy.
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